Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dowry Cases In New Delhi - India

It is to a very large extent true that a lot of men abuse or mistreat their wives for dowry. This has been happening for ever and for sure women need to rise against terrible form of abuse.

My question is about the cases where the parents of the girls are taking advantage of the NEW LAW, which basically protects the girl in case things go bad within one year of marriage. Now there are families that use their daughters or their nieces or sisters as a BAIT to make money from the family of the husband.

Has anyone ever thought that NOW it is the chance for the Girl's families to abuse and misuse the new law? There are a lot of cases in New Delhi where the women are involved in either black mailing or hidden prostitution. There are families that get their girls married and use this as a form to get money from the Husband's family. These girls always complain of being mistreated at the husbands family. The marriages are fake and for convenience only. This is QUICK WAY to make money and live a reasonably comfortable life. In reality these families are doing indulging in prostitution under the Garb of marriages.

It is extremely unfortunate that in India we still opt for primitive way of thinking. We do not believe in collecting enough evidence to prosecute or pass a judgement.

Women need to be more emotionally mature to make a decision rather than making it based on Egos. Women are the ones that can bring change in any society. ONLY women have the power to make or break lives right from a new born to adulthood. When women get corrupt in society the society gets completely corrupt.

As women we need to look deeper into the dowry cases and make sure that this is not just a case of soft or hidden prostitution.

Let us try and save our society from corrupt women because women are the base of any society.

Kalpana Jaggi
New York USA